Welcome To The Chromatics Lesson
In this lesson we will learn about the chromatics. This will teach you about all the notes that are available on any normal instrument, as well as learning to identify them properly. There are twelve notes in any key, and these 12 notes are the chromatics.
chromatics - These are all twelve (12) of the notes in an octave.
* After the G# would be the octave note where it all just starts over again with A.
** Also notice there is no sharp or flat note between the B and C notes or the E and F notes.
We would say that these are the chromatics in C.
The Naturals And The Non-Naturals
There are two main groups of notes in any octave, the naturals and the non-naturals. The naturals are simply all the notes with normal letter names with no sharps or flats in their names. The non-naturals are the notes that have sharps or flats in their names.
Naturals - These are the notes with normal letter names. There are seven of them.
Non-Naturals - These are the notes with sharps or flats in their names. There are five of them.
Together, the (7) naturals and (5) non-naturals make up the twelve chromatic notes. (7+5=12)